Why Goat Soap Is Great. : Why Goat Soap

Why Goat Soap Is Great.

by mike fraley on 02/15/13

That bar of soap from the supermarket looks so clean and pure. Yet, most big-brand soaps contain harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin, alcohol that dries the skin, and sometimes petroleum products are added, which is very disturbing. Hand-made soaps should be made from natural, gentle ingredients that doesn't leave the skin dry, itchy or irritated.

Hand-made soap has another basic advantage, glycerin. Most soaps are made by combining a fat with an alkali. During the saponification, the fat turns into soap and glycerin . In commercial soaps, the glycerin is removed by adding salt to make the soap and glycerin separate. The glycerin is then used to make other more profitable products like, medicine, printing inks, cosmetics and the production of nitroglycerin explosives.


But in hand-made soap, all the glycerin remains in the soap, providing a deep moisturizing benefits. All hand-made soaps have great advantages over commercial soap. But goat milk soaps offer even more. All milk contains natural emollients, vitamins and triglycerides that moisturize the skin. Goat milk specifically contains the reputed highly effective moisturizer caprci-capryllic triglyceride. People that use goat soap claim that it is far better, less dry and harsh then ordinary soap. For those with sensitive skin or eczema, goat soap is a godsend.


The best goat soaps are made from fresh milk, not powder. Some will even go further by including other fresh, local products, like herbs, flowers or even honey, making a super bar of soap.

Please stop by and see the soaps we produce with our very own goat milk, www.soapboxkitchen.com or www.goatsoapkitchen.com. Thank you.

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